Welcome! All our recipes have been categorized on this page so you can search for them easily. Simply use the name of the recipe, course, or ingredient and hit search. Let's get cooking
Welcome! All our recipes have been categorized on this page so you can search for them easily. Simply use the name of the recipe, course, or ingredient and hit search. Let's get cooking
Olá, hi there, I'm Patricia, a Brazilian-born, Toronto-based mom of three boys. My mission is to share the beauty and power in the relationship between food, family, and health. With a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, my recipes follow the science to promote good nutrition and brain health- with the busy mom in mind. My sons, husband, and I are always exploring and discovering - from the trials and triumphs of raising a child with autism to the joys of traveling as a big family. It's an extraordinary journey that I'm eager to share with you!